вторник, 20 марта 2018 г.

Zucchini Tuna Cakes

Zucchini Tuna Cakes
Zucchini Tuna Cakes

I know you have a zucchini on your counter right now that you just don’t know what to do with, but you can’t bring yourself to just throw it away. Don’t throw it away! Instead, grab your grater and grate it up. This high protein and low carb meal or snack comes together really quick and it’s so yummy! The part that is so awesome is that it’s only 280 calories, and 34 g protein!

Grate up about half of a medium sized zucchini or about 100 grams. Dump all that grated zucchini into a thin dish towel or cheese cloth and wrap all the sides up around it forming a ball. Twist the cloth at the top, right above the ball of zucchini, and keep twisting it as tight as you can to squeeze as much liquid out of the zucchini as possible. It will all come out through the towel.

In a mixing bowl, add the squeezed zucchini and all the other cake ingredients and mix well together.


Heat a medium frying pan to medium low. Spray with non stick spray.

Scoop about half of the mixture out into one side of the frying pan and use your spoon to form a round flat cake, about 1/2 inch thick. Then do the same with the rest of the mixture on the other side of the frying pan.


Let it cook for about 5-6 minutes on medium low. You can check the bottom if you want, so when it gets a little crispy and golden brown, flip it over with a spatula and let it cook about the same amount on the other side.


While the cakes are cooking, you can mix up your lemon dill yogurt sauce. Just mix the yogurt, lemon juice, dill, and garlic sauce in a small bowl and set it aside.

When the cakes are ready, scoop them out onto a plate and put all the yogurt sauce on top. That’s it!

Zucchini Tuna Cakes

If you are looking for other yummy high protein and lower carb snacks, try my Chocolate Protein Snack Muffins or my Grapefruit Avocado Cottage Cheese Snack!

Zucchini Tuna Cakes

  • 1/2 medium zucchini (about 100 g) grated, and liquid squeezed out
  • 1 can tuna, drained
  • 1/4 t garlic salt
  • 1/4 t onion powder
  • fresh ground pepper
  • For the Lemon Yogurt Sauce:
  • 2 T greek yogurt
  • 1/4 garlic salt


  1. Grate up about half of a medium sized zucchini or about 100 grams. Dump all that grated zucchini into a thin dish towel or cheese cloth and wrap all the sides up around it forming a ball. Twist the cloth at the top, right above the ball of zucchini, and keep twisting it as tight as you can to squeeze as much liquid out of the zucchini as possible. It will all come out through the towel.
  2. In a mixing bowl, add the squeezed zucchini and all the other cake ingredients and mix well together.
  3. Heat a medium frying pan to medium low. Spray with non stick spray.
  4. Scoop about half of the mixture out into one side of the frying pan and use your spoon to form a round flat cake, about 1/2 inch thick. Then do the same with the rest of the mixture on the other side of the frying pan. Let it cook for about 5-6 minutes on medium low. You can check the bottom if you want, so when it gets a little crispy and golden brown, flip it over with a spatula and let it cook about the same amount on the other side.
  5. While the cakes are cooking, you can mix up your lemon dill yogurt sauce. Just mix the yogurt, lemon juice, dill, and garlic sauce in a small bowl and set it aside.
  6. When the cakes are ready, scoop them out onto a plate and put all the yogurt sauce on top.

Macros with yogurt sauce: Calories 280; Fat 11; Carbs 14; Protein 34 Without sauce: Calories 265; Fat 11; Carbs 12.6; Protein 31

Original article and pictures take i1.wp.com site

пятница, 9 марта 2018 г.

You're 14 Moves Away From The Perfect Bubble Butt

You're 14 Moves Away From The Perfect Bubble Butt


Great butts are NOT just for swimsuit season, ladies! Don’t get lazy just because you haven't had to strut around in a bathing suit in a while. Check out the Booty Inferno video above or these exercises for your butt below. Whether you're are at the gym, the park or your house, the following moves will work your glutes so you can break out the yoga pants, leggings and shorts with no regrets. Time to do some booty work!

1. Tip Toe Plié Squat:

Tip-Toe-Squats GROUPED
Tip-Toe-Squats GROUPED

Squats are a must-do exercise to earn your bubble butt, and this move puts a new twist on the traditional squat. The most important part of this exercise is posture! Learn how to do this move by clicking here.

2. Jumping Lunges:

Jumping Lunges Grouped
Jumping Lunges Grouped

This exercise is a bouncier modification of the traditional lunge and it is sure to get you on your way to the perfect bubble butt. See the steps by clicking here.

» Pro tip: If the jump is just too hard on your knees, take a small step in between each lunge to take the weight off!

3. Lunges:


Here's another must-do exercise to tighten your glutes! Correct posture is always important; learn how to correctly lunge here.

» Pro tip: Want to really feel the burn? Add some dumbbells or try the Leaning Lunge Combo or Reverse Lunge Twist with Weighted Ball.

4. Straight Leg Pulse:

quaduped-with-leg-lift RESIZED
quaduped-with-leg-lift RESIZED

Get down on your hands and knees with your directly underneath your shoulders. Your knees should be hip-width apart and bent at 90 degrees. Tighten your core and extend one leg completely behind you to raise it to hip height, using your core to maintain stability. Lift leg as high as you can while keeping hips neutral. Then, lower the leg to hip level. Quickly pulse your leg for 15-20 reps. Remember to keep your spine straight and your stomach tight. Complete three sets on each leg.

5. Wall Sit:

Don't let the word "sit" throw you off, this move will have you feeling the burn!

Click here to learn more about the wall sit.

» Pro tip: If you need an extra challenge, lift one leg and hold it straight out in front of you as you sit. Switch legs every 15 seconds.

6. Glute Bridge:


Be sure to add this move to your routine if you're looking to tone your tush! If you want an added challenge, try lifting one leg as you lift your hips. See how to do a glute bridge by clicking here.

7. Dumbbell Deadlifts:

435fe516730388b8 Deadlifts
(Photo: POPSUGAR.com)

Not only does this exercise tone your butt, but the dumbbells also work your arms. Two benefits in one move! Learn more about dumbbell deadlifts here.

8. Frog Jumps:

Frog Jumps

Get moving and feel the burn with these frog jumps! See how to get hopping by clicking here.

9. Plié Squat with Body Bar:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes facing outward. Perform a squat with your knees pointing outward, holding your chest up and back straight. Click here for more details.

plie-squat-with-bar GROUPED
plie-squat-with-bar GROUPED

10. Superman:


This Superman move will give you a Superwoman bubble butt! Learn more about this move by clicking here.

11. Plank Leg Triangle:

Plank-Leg-Triangle Grouped
Plank-Leg-Triangle Grouped

Here's another compound exercise. The Plank Leg Triangle works your glutes and thighs, while the plank puts your arms and core to work! Click here to see how to do this move.

» Pro tip: you can also perform this move in forearm plank position.

12. Frog Lifts:

Frog Lift With Squishy Ball RESIZED-1
This exercise will tone your tush, you can do it with or without the squishy ball!

Learn how to do this move here.


Original article and pictures take media.womanista.com site

понедельник, 5 марта 2018 г.

Your Spring Fitness Plan

Your Spring Fitness Plan

Hi friends! How are ya? How’s the week going so far?? I’m so excited that spring is officially here, and I have a full fitness plan just for you: a mix of cardio, strength, flexibility, interval training and rest.

When I posted this fall fitness plan, the response was really amazing, so I thought it was time to share another full plan for you. This one has all of the work scheduled out for you, with all of the workouts below. Pin this post for later when you’re looking for some gym-spiration, or if you’re looking for a full balanced plan to follow. As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes and honor your body. Modify and shuffle as needed!

Spring fitness plan:

A full workout plan including strength, cardio, flexibility and rest. It's easy to hit a spring workout slump, and this takes all of the planning out of it for you! Check out the full details at fitnessista.com

Weekly schedule:

Sunday: Upper body and steady state

Monday: HIIT

Tuesday: OFF or gentle

Wednesday: Lower body and core

Thursday: Easy steady state

Friday: Total body workout

Saturday: OFF or gentle

*Steady state: 20-30 minutes of your favorite cardio at a moderate pace you can maintain for the entire block. You can run, walk, jog, spin, Stairclimb or dance.

A full workout plan including strength, cardio, flexibility and rest. It's easy to hit a spring workout slump, and this takes all of the planning out of it for you! Check out the full details at fitnessista.com

Upper body workout:

Warm up 5-7 minutes, easy cardio

1) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Heavy chest press x 10

Bent-over wide row x 10

2) Strength blast: bodyweight push-ups (max 1 minute)

3) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Heavy biceps curls to overhead press x 10

Skullcrushers x 10

4) Strength blast: bodyweight triceps dips (max 1 minute)

5) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Seated row x 10

Bent-over fly x 10

6) Strength blast: medicine ball slams (max 1 minute)

Cool down and stretch.

Lower body and core workout:

Warm up, 5-7 minutes, easy cardio

1) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Heavy squats x 10

Weighted step-ups x 10 on each side

2) Cardio blast: Jump squats (max 1 minute)

3) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Walking lunges x 20 total

Heavy deadlifts x 10

4) Cardio blast: Jumping lunges (max 1 minute)

5) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Cable kickback x 10

Cable step-out squat x 10

*Do 3 sets on one leg, and then repeat on the other leg)

6) Strength finisher: 30 heavy hip raises (with barbell or flat plate)

7) Abs: 30 second plank x 3

Gliding disc pike – 30 seconds

Side plank with hip dips x 10 each side

Cool down and stretch.

Total body workout:

Warm up, 5-7 minutes, easy cardio.

1) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Lateral lunge to biceps curl x 10 each side

Squat to press x 10

2) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Deadlift and wide row x 10

Triceps dip and reach x 10 each

3) 3 rounds, alternating between:

Push-up x 10

Heavy bent-over narrow row x 10

4) Cool down and stretch.



Warm up for 5-7 minutes, easy cardio

Battle ropes: (or medicine ball slams)

30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for 10 rounds

= 5 minutes


300m row, 30 second rest for 10 minutes

= 10 minutes

Bodyweight (30 seconds ON, 30 seconds rest

for the following exercises):

Jump squats


Mountain climbers

Side-to-side hops

High knees

= 5 minutes (can repeat to make it 10 min)

Cool down and stretch.

A full workout plan including strength, cardio, flexibility and rest. It's easy to hit a spring workout slump, and this takes all of the planning out of it for you! Check out the full details at fitnessista.com


Go for an easy walk, enjoy a stretch, or take a restorative yoga class. I also love this stretch sequence (video), bedtime stretch, and this afternoon stretch.

To mix and match: check out all of the workouts on my fitness page! If you’re looking for upper body, total body, lower body, or core, you can click the links to each one to sub in one of these workouts and change things up.

Leave a comment below with a spring fitness goal!! I’ll pick a lucky winner for a Lorna Jane tank top of their choice.

Also, I hope you’ll join me for our upcoming barre bootcamp! I’m trying to figure out a date for the official launch, so please let me know if you prefer mid-April or late April. If you’d like to be one of the first to find out (there are only 100 spots), be sure to sign up for my newsletter below (where it says “I want in!”).

Happy spring!! <3




Gray twirl Lorna Jane Tank

lululemon printed shorts (love that these are a little longer)


Original article and pictures take fitnessista.com site

вторник, 27 февраля 2018 г.

Your flat butt workout

Your flat butt workout

Hip check

Works: butt, abs, hips

Lie faceup, knees bent, feet flat. Squeeze glutes and lift hips off floor for three counts, forming a straight line from shoulders to knees (as shown). Hold for two counts and lower to floor for four counts for one rep. Do 12 reps.

Power point

Works: butt, back, abs, hips

Start on hands and knees with back straight, wrists directly beneath shoulders. Take three counts to simultaneously extend left arm and right leg in line with body (as shown); hold for two counts. Switch sides; repeat for one rep. Do 12 reps.

Rear end reach

Works: butt, obliques, legs

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Step with right foot into a side lunge so right knee aligns over right foot and left leg is straight; as you lunge, twist torso and reach for right foot with left hand (as shown). Push off with right foot to return to standing. Repeat on left side for one rep. Do eight reps.

Kick butt

Works: butt, hamstrings

Start on hands and knees with back straight, wrists directly beneath shoulders. Squeeze glutes to lift right leg, and, keeping knee bent at a 90-degree angle, push sole of foot toward ceiling until hamstring is aligned with torso (as shown). Be careful not to arch your back. Return to start; switch sides and repeat for one rep. Do 12 reps.

Step master

Works: butt, legs

Stand facing a step, a 5- to 8-lb weight in each hand. Place right foot on step. In one fluid motion, press down on right heel and lift body until you are balancing on right leg with left knee lifted, thigh parallel to floor (as shown). Release knee and step back to floor with left foot, then with right foot. Repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do eight reps.

Take a bow

Works: butt, thighs

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a 9-pound bar flush against your back, grasping it behind head with right hand and at the small of back with left hand. Keeping back straight, sink into heels, push hips back and slowly bend at hips until torso reaches a 45-degree angle (as shown). Contract glutes and shift hips forward to return to upright. Do eight reps.

Original article and pictures take www.self.com site

среда, 21 февраля 2018 г.

Your First Total Body Strength Workout

Your First Total Body Strength Workout
Your First Total Body Strength Workout

Brand new to working out, and don’t know where to start? No problem; Maggie Lane’s Daily Basics has you covered. This low-intensity workout will teach you how to warm up properly, then will move into a series of these total-body strengthening exercises.

Step 1: Carve out 25 minutes to dedicate to learning and performing some basic exercises.

Step 2: Grab a sturdy chair and an exercise mat or towel (optional, but you might want to use one of these if you’re going to work out on a hardwood or tile floor.

Step 3: Watch the video at least one time all the way through before you try to copy the moves so you can see how to do the moves with good form, and know what will be coming next.

Remember to work at your own pace, take breaks when you need them, and stop if you feel pain—sharp pangs or even dull sensations in your knees, for example, could be indications that you need to check your form and modify the moves per Maggie’s suggestions.

Make sure to check with your doctor before you begin a new exercise program.


Original article and pictures take 1y2u3hx8yml32svgcf0087imj-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com site

четверг, 15 февраля 2018 г.

Your Do-Anywhere, Total-Body Strength Workout

Your Do-Anywhere, Total-Body Strength Workout

The Routine

If the thought of strength training makes you squeamish but you're ready to build some muscle, we have a plan for you. This beginner circuit workout will teach you basic sculpting exercises you can do anywhere. Grab a set of dumbbells (we recommend 5 to 10 pounds) and get at it. If you don't have weights, you can use soup cans or full water bottles—seriously.

To do it: Start with light cardio for five minutes (see suggestions below), then start the first three-exercise circuit, repeating it two to three times. Rest for 60 seconds then move on to the next circuit.

Warm-up: 5 Minutes

Take a full five minutes to get your blood flowing, your heart rate spiking a bit and your muscles prepped for the routine. Do what feels good to your body—just keep moving. A solid warm-up can prevent injury and decrease that annoying soreness that comes a day or two after working out.

  • Marching, running or skipping in place
  • Jumping jacks (as shown) or cross jacks
  • Arm circles, big and small
  • Walking or running stairs
  • Jumping rope
  • Side shuffle
  • A little free-style dancing—crank the music and groove

Circuit One: Squat

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, feet parallel or toes pointed out slightly. Hold your hands out in front of you for balance. Shift your pelvis back, bend your knees and lower your hips as if you were sitting into a chair (as shown). You're aiming to bring your thighs parallel to the floor, but don't let your knees go beyond your toes. Your weight should be in your heels.
  • Press through your heels to straighten your legs and return to standing. Squeeze your glutes once standing to complete the exercise.
  • That's 1 rep; do 8-10.

This move works the thighs, butt and core. Many exercises build on the basic squat, so it pays to master your form before adding weights and variations to your workouts. Practice by squatting onto the edge of a chair if you feel you need more guidance on form.

Circuit One: Bent-Over Row

  • Holding a dumbbell in each hand and standing with your feet hip-distance apart, bend at the waist. Keep your back parallel to the floor with a neutral spine—not rounded.
  • Extend your arms out in front of you, keeping a slight bend in your knees.
  • Engage your abs and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you bend your elbows back bringing the weights to your torso. Keep your arms close to your torso.
  • Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position. That's 1 rep; do 10.

This exercise works the upper back, specifically the muscles between your shoulder blades, which tend to be weak from slouching at computers or hunched reading a smartphone.

Circuit One: Bird Dog

  • Begin on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Pull your abs to your spine as you bring your left knee and right elbow together under your torso.
  • Keeping your torso stable and level, straighten your right arm and left leg. Reach through your left heel to engage the muscles on the back of the leg and your butt.
  • That's 1 rep; do 5. Repeat on the opposite side.

This exercise works the core and teaches the abs and back to work together to stabilize the torso. This move will help get your ready for planks, too.

Circuit Two: Good Morning

  • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, and place your hands at the back of your head with your elbows opened wide. No slouching.
  • Pull your abs to your spine, and keep your back neutral while hinging at that hips, pressing your butt backward until your back is almost parallel to the floor. Keep a slight bend in your knees as you bend forward.
  • Return to standing, squeezing your glutes when you are upright. That's 1 rep; do 10.

This move works the entire back of your body (butt included!) and prepares you for deadlifts.

Circuit Two: Bicep Curl

  • Start by holding a dumbbell in each hand at the sides of the body. Your knees should be slightly soft and your abs engaged.
  • Keeping your elbows close to your sides, slowly raise the dumbbells to the chest, rotating your palms toward you.
  • Moving with control, lower your back to the starting position.
  • That's 1 rep; do 10-12.

This classic move will tone your upper arm, but use your abs to keep your torso stable while lifting and lowering the dumbbells.

Circuit Two: Dying Bug

  • Lie on your back with a neutral spine and your hips and knees at right angles with your palms pressed into your thighs just above your knees.
  • Pull your abs to your spine keeping your ribs and pelvis still as you lengthen your right arm and leg away from each other. While you are aiming to have your leg parallel to the floor, only go as low as you can while keeping your lower back from arching.
  • Return to the starting position, and repeat on the left side. That's 1 rep; do 10 alternating sides each time.

Don't let the silly name fool you, this move is hard but the perfect challenge for a beginner. It's a stability exercise that trains your abs to work while your arms and legs move. Slow and steady wins the race here; you have to actively engage your abs and monitor your stability.

More from POPSUGAR Fitness:

Photo Credit: POPSUGAR Studios

Original article and pictures take www.self.com site

четверг, 8 февраля 2018 г.

Your Arms and Abs Will Transform After This 2-Week Challenge

Your Arms and Abs Will Transform After This 2-Week Challenge
Your Arms and Abs Will Transform After This 2-Week Challenge
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography

← Use Arrows Keys →

Plank is one of the most effective total-body moves, so here's a new challenge for you to conquer — a five-minute plank. Since holding a straight-up plank wouldn't be any fun (and could end up causing an injury), this challenge mixes up five basic variations to not only tone your abs and arms, but to target the obliques, legs, and upper back as well. Here's an explanation of how to do each one, followed by the two-week plan.

Original article and pictures take media1.popsugar-assets.com site