вторник, 8 мая 2007 г.

20 Minute Lower Body Kettlebell Workout

20 Minute Lower Body Kettlebell Workout

Before I even start rambling, let me start by saying that this workout can mostly be done without a kettlebell if you don’t have access to one. I happened to complete it with a kettlebell so that’s what I’m sharing, but other than the kettlebell swings, you can do all of the moves with a dumbbell if that’s more convenient for you. So.. no excuses!

Ok enough of that—let’s get onto my life’s current situation aka MOVING DAY. Yes, Miguel and I are moving out of our apartments and into our new one in approximately three weeks. The dilemma is that we are supposed to be out by the 31st but we can’t move into our new place until August 1st so….. awesome. We are trying to work something out but I guess we both assumed it would be a smooth transition. If we can’t move into our new place one day early, then I have no idea what we’re going to do with all of our stuff. No worries, I’ll keep ya’ll (ya’ll????) posted.

On a lighter note, Miguel and I are taste testing wedding food tonight EEEEEE. I have a wedding post scheduled to go up next week that I imagine will be rather lengthy, but I’d rather just cover everything at once. Regardless, I’m excited to nom on some tasty food tonight.

Now, onto today’s workout.

20 Minute Lower Body Kettlebell Workout 3

I teach barre every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30 and noon, meaning I have a 90 minute break in between classes. Up until this past week, I’d just been getting some blog/freelance stuff done on my break. However, I figured that I may as well sneak a quick workout in AND get blog stuff done—I mean, talk about productive. So this workout is what I completed this past Tuesday during my break. With that said, I must admit that, though the pictures show me with a 15 lb kettlebell, I actually used a 5 lb one when completing the workout. I don’t want you to think I’m a fraud. The barre studio only has 5 lb kettlebells and I only own a 15 lb one, so when photos were taken that’s all I had. …..possibly the most unnecessary explanation but I felt the need to share. Moral of the story: use a weight that’s comfortable for you. In a perfect world, 10 lbs would have probably been my top pick, but 5/15 work too.

For this workout, I completed each move for 30 seconds before moving directly into the next move, with no breaks. I completed the entire circuit 5 times through for a 20 minute workout. BOOM. Let’s get to it..

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Squat+side kick: Holding the kettlebell with both hands up to your chest, squat low, making sure your knees do not come over your toes and sticking your butt down and back (like you’re sitting on a chair). From there, balance on your left leg and kick your right leg out to the side before immediately returning to your starting squat position and then repeat on the left side. Continue alternating kicks for the entire 30 seconds.

Single arm kettlebell swing: Hold the kettlebell in your right hand, left hand by your side. Make sure your feet are wider than hips width apart and squat low, bringing the kettlebell between your legs, Quickly stand up and swing the kettlebell up to eye level, keeping your right arm as straight as possible. Your core should be tight the entire time and you should lift the bell with control, rather than swinging it up aimlessly. Complete a full 30 seconds with your right arm before moving on to complete 30 seconds with your left.

Reverse lunges+lunge jumps: Stand with both feet together, kettlebell up to your chest. Lunge your right foot back, making sure your front knee doesn’t come over your front toes and then quickly bring both feet together before immediately lunging your left foot back. Make sure your back is flat (i.e. you aren’t hunching or arching your back) and your core is tight. For the jump lunges, you will remain in a lunge position and then jump the back leg to the front and the front leg to the back, alternating legs each time you jump. Complete the reverse lunges for 20 seconds and the lunge jumps for the final 10 seconds of the set.

Single leg deadlift: Stand straight up, kettlebell in your right hand, both hands by your side. Hinge at the waist and simultaneously drop the kettlbell closer to the ground and lift your right leg up behind you, forming the capital letter “T” with your body. Make sure your right arm and leg stay straight the entire time and that your hips don’t open up the side (i.e. keep them square to the ground). Do this for 30 seconds on the right side before completing 30 seconds on the left.

Plie pulse squat: Stand with your feet wide, toes pointed out, kettlebell in both hands up to your chest. Bend your knees and sink low in your hips, making sure your back is flat and your butt doesn’t stick out. If your butt does stick out, try walking your feet out wider. Stay in this position and pulse up and down (small pulses! only move up and down one inch) for the entire 30 seconds.

Thigh dance: This is a move we do in barre quite frequently that people love/hate, so obviously I had to share. Start by sitting back on your heels, feet together and knees approximately two fists apart, kettlebell up to your chest. Using your thighs, lift your butt off of your feet, pressing your hips forward as you do so, before lowering back down. If you’re up for a challenge, try only lifting your butt up approximately 2 inches above your feet before lowering down. The lower you stay to your feet the more you’ll be working your thighs. Regardless, it’s a good exercise!

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Q: Favorite wedding food, either at your own wedding or at a wedding you’ve attended: GO!

Original article and pictures take thealmondeater.com site

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