четверг, 29 июля 2010 г.

Beginner’s Guide to the TRX (These Core Workouts are Killer)

Beginner’s Guide to the TRX (These Core Workouts are Killer)
Healthy Habits | Happy Heart, a blog by Kennedy Meek


I have a great workout for y’all today!

TRX suspension training is the new in thing and I’m a little obsessed.

The TRX Suspension Trainer was created by Navy SEALS to improve balance, stability, flexibility (see above picture, LOL), and strength purely through body weight exercises. It’s kind of like an entire gym in one because you can train every muscle group with the band. Also, TRX bands are light weight & very portable so you can workout almost anywhere.

I like taking mine on hikes and hanging it from a tree to workout. Sweating to pretty scenery is kinda my thing.

TRX exercises can look pretty intimidating if you’ve never used the suspension band before so I put together 4 basic core exercises to help you get used to it. These exercises are going to target your entire core which means your upper abs, lower abs, love handles, and your lower back.

If you don’t know how to position your feet into the stirrups of the TRX band, click here to watch a video (and skip to 0:30 seconds).

Perform 4 sets of each exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.


  1. Position your feet in the stirrups as shown in the video attached above.
  2. Place your hands on the ground, about shoulder width apart, and hold your abs in to get into a plank position. This is your starting position.
  3. Contract your abs and bring your knees forward, between your arms.
  4. Continue to contract your abs as you slowly straighten your legs to get back to the starting position.

TRX Oblique Crunch

  1. Position your feet in the stirrups as shown in the video attached above.
  2. Place your hands on the ground, about shoulder width apart, and hold your abs in to get into a plank position. This is your starting position.
  3. Contract your abs and bring your knees to the outside of your right arm.
  4. Continue to contract your abs as you slowly straighten your legs to get back to the starting position. Repeat on the left side.
  5. Alternate between the right and left side for the recommended number of repetitions.

TRX Pike

  1. Position your feet in the stirrups as shown in the video attached above.
  2. Place your hands on the ground, about shoulder width apart, and hold your abs in to get into a plank position. This is your starting position.
  3. While keeping your legs straight, contract your abs and bring your butt upwards. Bring your legs and torso as close together as possible.
  4. Continue contracting your abs as your slowly straighten out your body to the starting position.

TRX Mountain Climbers

  1. Position your feet in the stirrups as shown in the video attached above.
  2. Place your hands on the ground, about shoulder width apart, and hold your abs in to get into a plank position. This is your starting position.
  3. Contract your abs to bring your right knee forward, in between your arms, while keeping the left leg straight.
  4. Continue to contract your abs as you straighten your right leg back to starting position. Repeat with your left leg.
  5. Alternate between the right and left leg for the desired number of repetitions.

Not too bad, right?

Like I’ve said before, stability and balance training are SO important, not only in our athleticism but in our daily lives as well.

Clumsy people like me really need the help. No joke, I’m on of the most accident prone people you’ll probably ever meet. It’s not even severe accidents or anything like that, I’ll just run into a wall or trip on air. So lame. One time I dropped a dumbbell on my pinky toe, though. THAT was painful. HA.

Isn’t the TRX so cool?!? If you don’t have the suspension band, you can purchase it here.

What’s your favorite piece of exercise equipment?

xoxo, Kennedy

Original article and pictures take healthyhabitshappyheart.com site

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