вторник, 3 мая 2011 г.


Look and feel your best all summer long with this 27-minute core split workout. A mix of cardio and strength training moves to help you tighten your core, trim down body fat and feel confident in your bikini! https://www.spotebi.com/workout-routines/core-split-workout/

Repeat the first 5 exercises 3 times, rest for 60 seconds and then repeat the remaining 5 exercises 3 times.

1. Knee to elbow kickback: 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Start in a low plank position with your body in a straight line, your elbows under your shoulders and your feet shoulder width apart. Bring your right knee close to your right elbow and crunch. Extend your right leg behind you and kick back. Repeat for 30 seconds and then switch sides.

2. Crunch chop: 60 seconds. Lie on your back with the arms extended above your head, clasp your hands and raise the legs toward the ceiling. Lift your shoulders, open the legs and chop your hands through your legs. Return to the starting position and repeat for 60 seconds.

3. Bicycle crunches: 60 seconds. While on your back, lift your shoulders off the mat and raise your legs. Bring one knee and the opposing elbow close to each other by crunching to one side and fully extend the other leg. Return to the starting position and then crunch to the opposite side.

4. Alternating superman: 60 seconds. Lie face down on a mat, with your arms and legs fully extended. Lift one arm and the opposite leg off the floor, by arching your back. Hold for a count of 2, return to the starting position, and repeat on the opposite side.

5. Side plank hip lifts: 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Start in a side plank position, with your shoulder over your elbow and your body in a straight line. Bring your hip down, without letting it touch the floor, and then bring it back up to the side plank position.

6. Ankle hops: 45 seconds. Stand straight with your hands by your sides and with your feet hip-width apart. Bounce off the floor in a quick, repetitive move.

7. Fingertip to toe jacks: 45 seconds. Bend your right leg and lift your foot as high as you can. Slightly rotate your torso to the right and try touching your right foot with your left hand. Repeat on the opposite side and keep alternating sides for 45 seconds.

8. Touch and hop: 45 seconds. Stand on your right leg with your knee slightly bent. Start bending at the hips, extend your left leg behind you, and touch the floor with your left arm. Jump quickly and drive your left knee up. Land on your right foot and then repeat on the opposite side.

9. Tabletop reverse pike: 45 seconds. Sit on the mat with your knees bent, your arms extended back, your fingers facing the body, and your feet hip width apart. Lift your butt off the mat, coming into a tabletop position and then lower your hips and lengthen the spine.

10. Plank jacks: 45 seconds. Start in a push up position with your feet together. Hop your feet as far as you can and land softly on your toes. Jump again to bring your feet back together and repeat.

Bikini Body Program

Original article and pictures take www.cdn.spotebi.com site

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