вторник, 24 мая 2011 г.

Cross Fit Workout checklist free printable

Cross Fit Workout checklist free printable

I’m very excited to share a Workout Checklist free printable along with some cross fit toning exercises to keep track or progress. It’s a goal of mine this year to tone up! If you’ve been around a while, you know that I’m approaching my 2 year anniversary of my weight loss. I’ve shared some updates on my progress along the way, and have had great support. For the first year, I was really good and disciplined about what I ate. Then….I laxed. All along, I’m pretty pleased that I’ve made exercise a priority, and sweat for at least 30 minutes–4 times a week, with a goal of 6 days a week. I’ve always done 4, half of the time, 6 days. But it’s mostly cardio. To keep the weight down, and it lacks in toning and resistance. Something I’d like more of.

I want to be more tone, mainly in my stomach region, rear, and thigh region. All those babies brings on a lot of jiggle. I was chatting with my friend Sadie from Simply Sadie Jane, after being inspired by her TONING weight loss, and she helped me come up with a plan! I’m very excited to share with you, and invite you to come along with me in the next six weeks in my efforts to TONE IT UP! Of course I’ll have to keep it up after, too…

Sadie typed up a 6 week plan with cross fit exercises, working out 6 days a week. They are at-home workouts that I could use mostly what I already have (handweights) though there are a few exercises with a weight bar and pull up bar. I may improvise on those because I don’t have them, but looking into it. I then asked my friend Kim at 733 to make a cute printable so I could have a daily checklist for myself, and share with those of you that would like to do the same. The checklist is versatile, you don’t have to do what I’m doing, you can just check if you worked out! It’s got enough slots for 6 weeks.

cross fit 6 week Workout Checklist

[pinit align=”center”]

CLICK ON IMAGE ABOVE or Download printable HERE

Now, for the exercises. I’ll admit, when I went through them with my husband (who has a personal training background) and asked him what some of them were–he laughed at some as he thought of their toughness. He knows I’m wimpy and though he wasn’t doubting me, he was simply thinking how much of a challenge it would be for me. But I’m for a challenge, I want to do this! Sade typed all of this up for me, and I added some explanation in parenthesis per my husbands help.

Download all 6 weeks at the bottom. Here is the first weeks workout:

Week 1:

cross fit workout week 1 of 6

[pinit align=”center”]

I’m planning to start next Monday, the 6th of January which will complete the 17th of February. I’m kinda nervous b/c I have two trips in that time period! AGH!! But just like any goal, I do my best, right??

Because I’m feeling extra crazy ambitious, I’m sharing a (small) before of my stomach region. Crossing my fingers I’ll have a great AFTER in six weeks! I’m hoping this post and this picture while hold me accountable.

stomach before cross fit
{I would like to add that I’ve been happy with my trimmer waste line for 2 years, just want toning now.}

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Original article and pictures take www.kristendukephotography.com site

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