четверг, 29 декабря 2011 г.

Full Body Kettlebell Workout

Full Body Kettlebell Workout

Today I’m sharing a quick and dirty kettlebell workout that’s perfect for beginners who are learning to use kettlebells. But don’t you worry advanced kettle-swingers, this workout will be a fun sweaty blast for you too! Let’s do this.

This beginner kettlebell workout is a quick and dirty circuit that will work your entire body!

While this is a fun challenging workout for any fitness level, I really want to dedicate this one to my beginners out there who don’t have much experience with kettlebells. If you’ve never used one before, they can seem a little intimidating, but don’t fret – you’ll be a pro in no time.

Kettlebells are hands-down my favorite piece of workout equipment (although the TRX is a very close second). They’re incredibly effective because they engage multiple muscle groups at once. More muscle groups worked = more calories burned in a shorter amount of time. In addition to being incredibly efficient, kettlebells are a great way to add variety to your strength training routine. Since the center of gravity is at the bottom, kettlebells provide a different resistance challenge than barbells and dumbbells, helping build lean muscle through functional movements.

What does “functional” mean you ask? Essentially, functional exercises are those that make everyday movements and motions easier. For example ladies, if you lug around a heavy purse all day thats very similar to carrying a kettlebell. The base of weight is on the bottom, with a handle on the top. Improving functional strength could help your purse feel not as ridiculously heavy

In addition to helping build strength, kettlebell exercises are also a great source of cardio and mobility training since many moves require movement through the full range of motion to be performed properly and safely. You’ll notice when performing power exercises (such as swings) your heart rate speeds up almost immediately. Essentially, you’re getting the most bang for your workout buck.

Before diving in, always be sure to consult your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen. Honor your body and modify as needed.

Now, let’s workout! Perform each of the exercises below for 60 seconds, followed by rest for 15 seconds before moving onto the next exercise. Complete the circuit 2-3 times through.

This beginner kettlebell workout is a quick and dirty circuit that will work your entire body!

Form cues / exercise explanations:

  • 2-Arm Kettlebell Swing: Begin with your feet just wider than hip distance apart, and always be sure to bend at the knees using your legs to pick up the kettlebell. With both hands firmly grasped on the handle, sit your hips back as the kettlebell comes between your legs. Thrust your hips forward to swing, allowing the kettlebell to be an extension of your arms until about shoulder level. The “work” from this move comes from your hips, not your arms.
  • Squat + Press: With feet still wider than hip distance apart, hold the kettlebell at chest level. Sit your hips back into a comfortable squat. Press through your heels as you drive back up, pressing the kettlebell overhead.
  • Lunge + Pass Through: Begin in a standing position with the kettlebell in one hand. Slowly step one leg back into a reverse lunge, making sure your front knee doesn’t extend past your toes. Pass the kettlebell under your front leg into your other hand. Step your foot back up to a standing position. Repeat, alternating sides.
  • Turkish Crunch: Lie on your back, with the kettlebell on the ground next to you at shoulder level. Roll over towards the kettlebell and grasp the handle while laying on your side. Carefully roll back onto your back, and extend the kettlebell up into the air with one hand. Keep your other arm laying flat on the ground at a 45 degree angle. Bend your knee of the same arm holding the kettlebell so your foot is flat on the ground, and extend your opposite leg out to a 45 degree angle. Slowly crunch up by squeezing your abs coming onto your elbow. Sit all the way up, then slowly lower back down to the ground. Modification: perform the crunch without the kettlebell, keeping one arm extended into the air.
  • Russian Twist: Sit in a V-sit position with your back nice and flat and your feet just off the ground. Hold the kettlebell where the base meets the handle at chest level. Keeping your core tight, rock your torso from side to side keeping your lower body as still as possible. Modification: keep your feet on the ground.

Want more workout ideas? Give me a follow on Pinterest – I’m always finding new things to share!

Do you enjoy working out with kettlebells?

What are some of your favorite pieces of workout equipment?

What other workouts would you like to see?

Original article and pictures take i2.wp.com site

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