пятница, 13 января 2012 г.

Full Body Partner Workout

Full Body Partner Workout

Today I am wishing you all the happiest of Fridays! I am in a good mood. Like, an annoying ray of sunshine good mood. And you know what? I couldn’t be happier. Well, I guess that’s obvious and slightly redundant but….. today is my last day of work. I’m also only working a half day because….it’s my last day. EEEEEEEE! Ok but let’s get serious, I’m actually just excited for the beach and a VACATIONNNNN. I feel like that’s all I’ve been talking about recently. Yes, I do get overly excited to go anywhere on a plane.

ANYWAY, I wanted to share a fun workout with you today because it’s Friday. I have no idea what sparked my idea for a partner workout, but it’s a good one and it’s FUN. Yes, like actually fun. They say working out with a friend helps to hold you accountable. Well, this is the ultimate accountability workout. Grab a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, brother, sister, mom, dad–anyone–and get moving! For this partner workout you will need: a stability ball, a medicine ball/dumbbell and a resistance band

Full Body Partner Workout
Bench/box jumps: Stand in front of a box/bench/coffee table and jump onto the bench both feet at a time. Try to stay at the same pace as your partner!

Partner stability ball crunches: Get in sit up position, lying on the ground, knees bent with your feet on the ground facing one another. Person 1 should start with the stability ball (or medicine ball) overhead and then sit up and pass it to person 2. Repeat.

Russian twist n’ pass: Sit back to back with your partner, with your upper backs touching but your lower backs apart. Person 1 should start with a dumbbell (or medicine ball) in his or her hands and then pass it to the right and person 2 should move to their left and grab the weight. Essentially, you want to move the weight around in a full circle between the both of you.

Resistance band squats: Person 1 should place a resistance band around his or her right ankle while person 1 should place it around their left ankle; stand far apart so that you can feel the resistance working and then perform squats as you normally would.

Push up clap: Facing each other, complete a full push up (or girl push up) and when you reach the top, clap your right hand; repeat and clap your left hand the next time.

Partner leg toss: Person 1 stand with their feet hip width apart while person two lies underneath person 1’s feet with his or her feet straight up into the air. Person 1 pushes person 2’s legs down and person 2 has to try to not let their feet touch the ground and instead, bring them slowly back up.

Partner workout

Cheesin’–We love exercise!

That’s all I got! I have two posts that I want to put up while I’m on vacay but I’m not making any promises. I will, however, still be active on social media because I can’t seem to quit the addiction. I hope you all enjoy your weekend! Xoxo

Q: Plans for the weekend? Ever done a partner workout? What’s your #1 essential beach vacation item (besides sunscreen!).

Original article and pictures take thealmondeater.com site

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