вторник, 17 апреля 2012 г.

Get Fit This Summer with the HIIT Summer Workout Series

Get Fit This Summer with the HIIT Summer Workout Series

You don’t need a gym membership, a lot of time or a lot of equipment to sculpt, strengthen and tone a great body. Target every part of your body and burn calories in about 30 minutes. You’ll be amazed by how quickly this workout gets your heart pumping.

FREE HIIT Summer Workout Series! We'll work together this summer and set ourselves up for fitness success. You bring the determination, commitment and a never give up attitude. I'll provide the support, tools, motivation and workouts you need. Target every part of your body and burn calories in about 30 minutes. Pin it now. Download the free cardio and strength workouts, fitness tracker and exercise index.
We’ll work together this summer and set ourselves up for fitness success.


Are you ready to kickoff the HIIT SUMMER workout series?

Let’s get right to it!

Schedule your workout week with the training plan template provided below. I recommend alternating cardio and strength days with at least 1 rest day.

FREE HIIT Summer Workout Series! We'll work together this summer and set ourselves up for fitness success. You bring the determination, commitment and a never give up attitude. I'll provide the support, tools, motivation and workouts you need. Target every part of your body and burn calories in about 30 minutes. Pin it now and workout later. Download the free cardio and strength workouts, fitness tracker and exercise index. @jillconyers
FREE HIIT Summer Workout Series! We'll work together this summer and set ourselves up for fitness success. You bring the determination, commitment and a never give up attitude. I'll provide the support, tools, motivation and workouts you need. Target every part of your body and burn calories in about 30 minutes. Pin it now and workout later. Download the free cardio and strength workouts, fitness tracker and exercise index. @jillconyers

Your workout week might look something like this.

Monday: Strength

Tuesday: Cardio

Wednesday: Strength

Thursday: Cardio

Friday: Strength

Saturday: Your choice! Move for at least 30 minutes in any way you choose.



When choosing weights, each exercise should challenge your muscles enough that you struggled toward the end, but you’re able to complete the prescribed amount of time/number of reps. If any exercise is too hard, use a lighter weight, choose an easier variation of the move or increase the rest time. If an exercise feels too easy, use a heavier weight, choose a harder variation or decrease the rest time.

FREE HIIT Summer Workout Series! We'll work together this summer and set ourselves up for fitness success. You bring the determination, commitment and a never give up attitude. I'll provide the support, tools, motivation and workouts you need. Target every part of your body and burn calories in about 30 minutes. Pin it now. Download the free cardio and strength workouts, fitness tracker and exercise index.
FREE HIIT Summer Workout Series! We'll work together this summer and set ourselves up for fitness success. You bring the determination, commitment and a never give up attitude. I'll provide the support, tools, motivation and workouts you need. Target every part of your body and burn calories in about 30 minutes. Pin it now. Download the free cardio and strength workouts, fitness tracker and exercise index.

Right click the image above to save to your mobile device or download the workout to print.

Strength Training Exercise Index

Jump Squat (1) Stand with your feet hip width apart with toes pointed outward. (2) Lower yourself down until your quads are parallel to the ground, abs are tight, shoulders over the hips. (3) Then, from the mid-point position, exhale and explode upward as high as you can. Imagine pushing away from the floor with your feet. (4) Land back down in a firm stance, reset quickly and repeat. Be conscious of keeping your spine straight. Keep you eyes focused on the ground in front of you. Don’t arch your back. Pull your belly button upward. Targets: quads, calves Pike

Push-Up (1) Start in a standard push-up position. (2) Walk your feet towards your hands, sticking your buttocks up in the air. This is a pike position. (3) From this position, lower your head and shoulders towards the ground by bending your elbows. Targets: shoulders, anterior medial and posterior deltoids Spiderman Push-Up (1) Assume the standard push-up position. (2) As you lower your body toward the floor, lift your right foot off the floor, swing your right leg out sideways, and try to touch your knee to your left elbow. (3) Continue to alternate back and forth. Each pushup is a single rep. Targets: pectoralis major (chest), deltoids, triceps, core

Step Up (1) Stand in front of a step, bench or box with your feet pointed straight ahead. (2) Step onto the box leading with your right leg, foot and knee pointing straight ahead. (3) Push through your heel and stand up straight ending with both feet on the step. (4) Step off the box returning to the starting position and repeat alternating lead legs. Perform as quickly as safely possible. Targets: cardiorespiratory system, lower body warm up

Alternating Reverse Lunge with Bicep Curl (1) Holding a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your thighs, stand with your feet hip-width apart, and back straight. Pull your abdominals in and stand with your shoulders squarely over your hips. (2) Allow your arms to extend down fully to the sides of your body. (3) Keeping your body straight, step back about 3 feet with your left leg while simultaneously curling the dumbbells toward your shoulders as you lower your hips until your right knee is bent to 90 degrees and your left knee is just above the floor. (4) Return to start position. (5) Repeat, this time stepping back with your right leg. That’s one rep. Targets: quadriceps, calves, biceps

Tricep Dip (1) Stand with your back to a bench or chair. Bend your legs and place your palm on the front edge of the bench. (2) Position your feet in front of you so that most of your body width is resting on your arms. (3) Keeping your elbows tuck along side your sides, bend your arms and slowly lower your body until your upper arms are parallel with the floor. (4) Your hips drop straight down toward the ground. (5) Hold for a beat, then exhale and straighten your arms back up to the starting position. Be careful not to lower your body too far. Do not lean forward or away from the bench. Targets: triceps

Russian Twist (1) Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. (2) Now sit about half way up keeping your chest and shoulders back being careful not to round your back. (3) Holding your hands together in front of your body, chin up and eyes looking forward, take a deep breath and exhale twisting your torso as far to the right as you can without changing the angle of your torso. (4) Now exhale and rotate your torso back to the starting position. Twisting your torso to the left and right is 1 repetition. Targets: rectus abdominis, internal and external oblique and transverse abs

Butt Kick (1) Stand with your feet pointed straight ahead and placed shoulder-width apart. (2) Contract your glutes, jump up and bring your heel to your butt, being careful not to arch your back. (3) Land softly and repeat with control. Keep your pace as fast as possible. Targets: cardiorespiratory system, glute max, hamstrings Sumo Squat Touchdown (1) Place your feet as wide as you comfortably can while pointing your toes outward. (2) Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor, touching the floor with your right hand. Press back up to start position. (3) Keep your shoulders directly over your hips at all times. Keep your chest lifted and your toes behind your knees. Keep your abs drawn in and a flat back back. Targets: glutes, quads, hamstrings

Renegade Row (1) Get in traditional plank position. (2) Keep your back in neutral alignment, toes on the floor, pelvis parallel to the floor. (3) Place one hand on a dumbbell. Pull kettlebell to the side of your chest, keeping shoulders and hips square to the ground. (4) Lower weight to starting position. Perform all reps with one arm then switch sides and repeat. Targets: upper back, core

Windshield Wiper (1) Lie on your back with your shoulders flat on the ground and arms out forming a T with your body. Raise your legs off the floor so that your hips and knees are bent 90-degrees. Your thighs should be perpendicular to the floor and your calves parallel to the floor. (2) Brace your abs and lower your legs to your right as far as you can while keeping both shoulders on the ground. (3) Reverse the movement all the way back to the left side. Targets: rectus abdominis, obliques

Burpee (1) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, weight in your heels, and your arms at your sides. (2) Push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body into a squat. Place your hands on the floor directly in front of, and just inside, your feet. (3) Shifting your weight onto your hands, jump your feet back to softly land on the balls of your feet in a plank position. Your body should form a straight line from your head to heels. Be careful not to let your back sag or you butt stick up in the air. (4) Jump your feet back so that they land just outside of your hands. (5) Reach your arms over head and explosively jump up into the air. Land and immediately lower back into a squat for your next rep. Targets: core, chest, legs

FREE HIIT Summer Workout Series! We'll work together this summer and set ourselves up for fitness success. You bring the determination, commitment and a never give up attitude. I'll provide the support, tools, motivation and workouts you need. Target every part of your body and burn calories in about 30 minutes. Pin it now. Download the free cardio and strength workouts, fitness tracker and exercise index.
FREE HIIT Summer Workout Series! We'll work together this summer and set ourselves up for fitness success. You bring the determination, commitment and a never give up attitude. I'll provide the support, tools, motivation and workouts you need. Target every part of your body and burn calories in about 30 minutes. Pin it now. Download the free cardio and strength workouts, fitness tracker and exercise index.

Right click the image above to save to your mobile device or download the workout to print.

Equipment needed:

  • dumbbells 5-8 pounds (depending on your fitness level)
  • timer
  • step, bench or chair (stable surface)
  • mat (optional)


  • Keep your core tight
  • Shoulders blades down and back
  • Don’t skip the warm-up or stretching.
  • Use proper body alignment and good form.
  • Reps and rest periods should be based on your fitness level.
  • Modify as needed to meet your fitness level by increasing/decreasing reps, weight and sets.
  • Gradually increase intensity based on your progress.

I am a certified personal trainer, but this workout was not created for your specific fitness level and needs. Make modifications as needed. Intensity and rest periods should be based on your individual fitness level. See your physician before beginning any exercise program. This web site is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice and supervision of your personal physician. Any application of this or any other exercise routine set forth in this program is at the viewer’s discretion and sole risk.

I would love to chat:

What are your favorite summer fitness activities? Have you ever followed a summer workout series? Have you ever tried a HIIT workout?

be the best version of YOU

Original article and pictures take jillconyers.com site

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