вторник, 29 августа 2017 г.



Try this 14-minute gentle yoga flow to increase your metabolism, strengthen the body and boost your calorie burn. These 12 easy and effective yoga poses for weight loss will help you tone your arms, flatten the belly, and slim down the legs!

Start this weight loss sequence with 4 rounds of the sun salutation flow to warm up the body.

1. Child’s pose: 60 seconds. Sit on your heels, lay your torso down and stretch your arms in front of you.

2. Boat pose: 15 seconds. Sit on the mat with your legs fully extended, and lean your torso back. Raise both legs to a 45-degree angle and reach your arms to the front, keeping them parallel to the floor.

3. Upward plank pose: 15 seconds. Lower the legs, place your hands on the floor with your fingers pointing forward and exhale as you lift your hips off the mat. Repeat the boat – upward plank flow 5 times.

4. Seated forward bend pose: 30 seconds. Sit on the floor with your feet together and your legs extended. Exhale as you bend at the hips and slowly lower your torso. Lengthen the spine, grab your feet and hold the pose for 30 seconds.

5. Warrior II pose: 15 seconds. Stand up, step to the side with your left foot and rotate it out, to a 90-degree angle. Bend your left knee, keeping it in line with the ankle, rotate your head to the left and bring your arms up to shoulder height.

6. Extended side angle pose: 15 seconds. Bend your torso to the left and place your left hand on the inside of your left foot. Extend your right arm over the top of your head, pointing your fingertips in the same direction as the front toes, and gaze up toward the ceiling. Hold the pose for 15 seconds and then repeat poses 5 and 6 on the opposite side. Do the warrior II – extended side angle flow 6 times.

Weight Loss Program

7. Goddess pose: 30 seconds. Go into mountain pose and, as you exhale, step your feet wide apart and lift your arms up to shoulder height. Rotate your feet out to the sides, bend your elbows and turn the palms facing each other. Exhale as you bend the knees and squat down. Stay in goddess pose for 30 seconds.

8. Downward facing dog pose: 30 seconds. Place your hands on the floor, extend your arms and legs, and lift your hips up and back. Breathe deeply, open your shoulders and push your heels down.

9. One legged downward dog pose: 15 seconds. Inhale as you lift your right leg up.

10. Knee to nose dog: 15 seconds. Exhale as you shift your shoulders over the wrists, bring your right knee toward the nose and then inhale as you return to one legged downward dog pose. Repeat the one legged dog – knee to nose dog flow 3 times, go into downward dog for 30 seconds and then switch sides and repeat.

11. Dolphin pose: 30 seconds. Press your palms and forearms into the floor, straighten the knees and lift your hips up and back.

12. Corpse pose: 2 minutes. Lie on your back and extend your arms and legs, letting them drop open. Close your eyes, allow your feet to rotate to the sides and keep your palms facing up.

Try this 14-minute gentle yoga flow to increase your metabolism, strengthen the body and boost your calorie burn. These 12 easy and effective yoga poses for weight loss will help you tone your arms, flatten your belly, and slim down your legs! https://www.spotebi.com/yoga-sequences/weight-loss-flow/

Weight Loss Challenge

Original article and pictures take www.cdn.spotebi.com site

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