понедельник, 25 декабря 2017 г.

Yoga for Shoulder Strength

Yoga for Shoulder Strength
 Shoulder Strength Sequence
Shoulder Strength Sequence

Heads up: We just launched the YBC Yoga Forum, a place for health conscious people (like you!) to come together and chat about everything from playlists to pigeon pose. Come join! We'd love to connect!

Here is a shoulder strength sequence I put together. You'll have to forgive me for the background mess - Greg's in Italy so I was using the self-timer. Also, note the little audience I had out on the balcony. :)

Anyway. This is a good sequence to try if you're wanting to work on upper body strength. Try to breathe 5-7 full breaths in each pose. It starts in crow, but if you're not there yet just do what you can. (Here's how to do crow pose.) Then you jump back into chaturanga (tutorial on jump backs here), but you could just step back if you're not ready to jump. From there we do up dog, and then down dog, and follow that up by coming onto the forearms for dolphin pose. You might notice in dolphin that your heels don't reach the mat. Don't worry about it. For our purposes this pose is really more for building shoulder strength than lengthening the hamstrings, so just work with wherever you are. You have the option to stay in dolphin, or take variations by lifting one leg and then the other. And the last pose, everyone's favorite- child's. Hope you enjoyed it!

Original article and pictures take www.yogabycandace.com site

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