вторник, 6 марта 2012 г.

Garage Cardio Circuit

Garage Cardio Circuit

Good morning friends! Happy Monday!

Just in case you’re catching up on blog reading…this is what you missed here!

Lisa was my featured blogger on Friday

I shared what my groceries look like and some printables

I think I am one of the few people who actually LOVES Mondays … I get excited when a new week is here


Chocolate protein oats! Perfect way to start my morning I LOVE how oatmeal fills me and the added protein powder helps sustain me until my mid-morning snack. This is definitely my go-to breakfast on busy days!


I knew I didn’t have time to head to the gym today so when Emmie went down for her morning nap I hopped on that opportunity like a bee on honey. I threw together a no equipment needed cardio circuit that I performed in my garage. This workout requires very little room so it was perfect! I love it because it is one that I can literally do anywhere because all I need is my body. It got my heart rate up and I was sweating like crazy so I know it did it’s job


Want proof that it was a butt-kicker?

I did 3 rounds in 20:27 and according to my Polar Hr monitor I burned 233 calories. HECK YES. I wanted to do 5 rounds but ran out of time

I barely had enough time to quickly rinse off, wake Emmie up, and get her changed before heading out the door to the vet’s office. We have some serious preparations to do in order to be ready to move in April … but more on that later I quickly threw a smoothie together before running out the door with two dogs and a baby in tow.

My favorite smoothie of all time was the Citrus Squeeze from Jamba Juice. Alas, it’s heavy in calories and no longer available … darn. I did my best to replicate it this morning and I have to say it came pretty darn close! In the mix … 1 cup strawberries, 1 banana, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1 pineapple Chobani Greek yogurt, 1 cup Trop50 OJ, 7 ice cubes. DELICIOUS.

I am happy to report that we survived the vet. Both dog’s had blood drawn and their samples are on their way to Kansas University today. Luckily Chris was able to meet me there on his lunch break to help corral the madness. We treated the pups to the puppy park after and had a fast-food picnic of … gasp … Burger King

Hope your Monday is going fabulously so far! How was your weekend??

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Original article and pictures take www.foodfitnessandfamilyblog.com site

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