I think my neighbors are starting to know me as “crazy lady that works out with her garage door open”. Who can blame me though? My overpriced California home is small and inundated with toys. So when I need a good workout during nap time, I do this garage total body circuit with dumbbells.

Yes yes, these photos are taken in front of my garage, with the door CLOSED. Because I figured the christmas tree box, the strollers, the power tools, and the outdoor toddler toys would be a tad too distracting.
Who is with me on the garage workouts thing? HOLLA! It’s like you own little room in the gym, except maybe dirtier with less equipment. BUT HEY, all you need for this total body circuit with dumbbells is…well of course, dumbbells. THEN you can bust through this workout, shower in your own shower (vise the communal gym ones), and save yourself the drive.
Ok total transparency – I love going to the gym to workout. Alone time, with every piece equipment available, and classes – oh how I love classes! But sometimes it’s just not doable for busy moms. So I try to see the silver lining. I love my own shower…I love my own shower.
Buuuut my shower just doesn’t trump the gym. Especially my hometown gym Fortis Fitness & YOGALUX. I’m so excited to partner with this class-act institution – barre, yoga, HIIT, spin, TRX, and bootcamp are just a few of the amazing workout genres they offer. And one word – CHILDCARE! (insert praise emoji here). Truth be told I’ve seen the shower here, and it’s probably even cleaner than my shower at home.
I can’t wait to post some amazing workouts that will surely be inspired by my time spent at Fortis & YOGALUX. If you live in the San Diego area or come to visit, they are DEFINITELY worth checking out!
Now, back to this workout. If you’re unable hit the gym this week, just find your motivation mantra in the garage. And if you are one of the lucky ones to have a hometown gym you love like I do, this is a great circuit to do there too!
Garage Total Body Circuit with Dumbbells
Wood Choppers

Start with your feet wider than hip-distance apart. Take hold of one dumbbell and bend over to your right side, letting the weight hand in front of your right foot (knees also facing that direction and weight on your right foot). Next, lift the weight up to you chest as you extend your legs to standing. Shift your weight to your left foot and press the dumbbell overhead. Bring the weight back to the center of your body as you shift back down to the original position. Do 6 repetitions on one side, 6 on the other.
Lunge to Rows

Grab both weights and start with your feet apart and right foot in front. Bend your knees to a lunge (both knees at 90 degree angles, bodyweight on your right foot) and let the weights hang near each side of your right foot (palms facing in). Next, extend your legs as you bring the weights in towards your shoulders, elbows pressed in towards your body. Lower the weights and bend your knees to return to the original position. Do 12 repetitions.
Lunge Upright Rows

Start with your left foot in front, executing the same type of lunge as above, and let the weights hang near each side of your foot, palms facing down. Extend your legs as you lift the weights up towards your shoulders, this time pushing your elbows out and behind your back. Do 12 repetitions.
Squat Shoulder Raise

Start with your feet hip-distant apart, weights resting on the sides of your outer thighs. Next, bend into a squad position (making sure your knees don’t shoot past your toes) and lift the weights to shoulder height (palms facing each other). Extend your legs back to standing and lower the weights to the original position. Do 12 repetitions.
Bicep Curl Around the Worlds

Once again start with your feet hip-distance apart. Bend into a squat position as you bring your weights up to your shoulders for a bicep curl (palms facing up). Extend your legs as you lift the weights overhead, palms facing forward. Next, slowly lower the weights while keeping your arms extended until the weights meet at the tops of your thighs. Do 12 repetitions.
Sumo Squat Tricep Dips

Start with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Lift your weights overhead, palms facing each other. Next, bend your knees to execute a deep sumo squat position as you lower the weights behind your head, keeping your elbows in towards your ears and stationary. Extend your legs and arms back up. Do 12 repetitions.
Overhead Around the Worlds

Set one weight aside and start with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Take the weight and slowly bring it up and around your head, rotating from right side to left. End at your hip and do the same motion on the opposite side. Do 12 repetitions, alternating sides.
Complete this entire workout four times through for the best dumbbell workin’, garage lovin’, gym goin’ workout!
Tip: use a set of dumbbells that feels challenging half way through one set. Choose a lighter set during the shoulder work (squat shoulder raises and bicep curl around the worlds) if needed. A basic set like this one is great for beginners, or this 10lb set for advanced levels.
Disclaimer: Please note there may be some affiliate links on this page and will earn a small commission if you purchase through those links. However, all opinions are my own. Thank you for your support.
Original article and pictures take physicalkitchness.com site
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